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Re: Printing with Mutt

> > I'm working on different computer, so I may have missed, but what do you 
> > have in .muttrc for print_command?
> OK, In .muttrc I have the following:
> set print_command="muttprint"
> #set print="yes"
> set print_split
> macro index p "<display-toggle-weed> <print-message>
> <display-toggle-weed> <exit>"
> macro pager p "<display-toggle-weed> <print-message>
> <display-toggle-weed>"
> (Mind the line-wrap)
> in .muttprintrc I have the following:
> This gave an error:
> lpr: The printer or class was not found.
> Muttprint Version 0.72d -- Error
> ======================================================================
> Line 759: Could not print with lpr -Plp:
> So I changed it to:
> Which also gave an error - this time:
> Muttprint Version 0.72d -- Error
> ======================================================================
> Line 759: Could not print with lpr  -P lp  -o media=A4 :
I just finished setting up Muttprint and I had to have set print="yes"
uncommented in my .muttrc, and also I had to change PRINT_COMMAND="lpr 
simply PRINT_COMMAND="lpr" in order for Muttprint to work. 
