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Re: Certificate

Kyle Wheeler yazmış:
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On Wednesday, January 21 at 06:49 PM, quoth Tolga:
Unfortunately, there's very little YOU can do to fix it, other than complain loudly to the people in charge of that particular server.

The one I get the (r)eject, accept (o) message with is one I own. So, how can I generate such a certificate?

How did you generate it in the first place? And what server software are you using? (Really, this is a question better suited for the support forums of your email *server* software, rather than your *client* software.)
I had no idea I generated it, and I am using Postfix.

- -- And thou shalt smite the house of Ahab thy master, that I may avenge the blood of my servants the prophets, and the blood of all the servants of the LORD, at the hand of Jezebel. For the whole house of Ahab shall perish.
                                             -- Bible, II Kings (9:7-8)
Comment: Thank you for using encryption!


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