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Re: send attachment interactively from command line

On Fri, 05 Dec 2008, Kyle Wheeler wrote:
> On Friday, December  5 at 01:35 PM, quoth bill lam:
> > Some other mua such as thunderbird can be invoked from command line to 
> > a send a file as attachment interactively such that it creates a new 
> > email with that file as attachment. Other details such recipient, 
> > subject or body message can be entered before sending.  Is that 
> > possible with mutt?
> What do you mean "interactively"? You want a dialog box? A series of 
> prompts? Or do you just want to be able to pass mutt some flags that 
> specify who to send to?

I want it to start mutt, auto press "m" to compose a new message, then
I type in the "To", "subject", and mutt calls editor for me to input
body text. And it adds the file that I included in the command line
flag to its attachment list. Everything should work inside mutt and it
will not send the email automatically.  Like the "sendto: email as
attachment" under m$ window file explorer or nautilus in gnome.

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