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text/html vs. text/plain attachments priority

I occasionally receive messages that contain both a plain text version
_and_ an html version of the author's original message.

I have  noticed that with my mutt novice setup, it is the html version
that is displayed in the pager via urlview -> elinks, rather than the
text version.

One issue with this would appear to be that the display of the message
is poorly formatted in mutt's pager - with the major annoyance being
erratic indentation and the absence of the ">" markers (and the
resulting loss of the corresponding coloring that I have implemented),
making it quite difficult, especially on those long intricate posts (the
same folks that send these plain+html messages are also usually adverse
to trimming).

What I do to circumvent the issue is to hit "v" when displaying the
converted html in mutt's pager, select the text/plain version and
everything looks good.

Am I analyzing the problem correctly?

Is this something due to these posters using a mailer where the default
is to send _both_ an html version _and_ a plain text version?

Since my mutt setup is apparently broken in this respect, (I did try to
find a solution via google but it does not look like other mutt users
are affected), could anyone advise how I can fix that and make mutt
choose the text/plain version over the text/html version?
