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Bug in send-hook? Offline mode for pop?

I actually have two questions:

1. Is there an offline mode for pop? Something similar to kmail -- where it 
doesn't connect to the server unless you *explicitly* tell it to? It seems that 
mutt always connects to the pop server even after changing the 
pop_checkinterval to 10 minutes.

2. I added a send-hook as per a tutorial on the web and tips on the irc 
channel. However, it doesn't work as expected. It only works the *2nd* time you 
try to send a message. Let me explain more clearly: I want a send-hook that 
changes the content type whenever I send a message to "foo". HOWEVER, the 1st 
time that I send a message to "foo", it does *not* change the content type. If 
I try to send another message, the content type is changed. Any ideas? Is this 
a bug? This is the rule that I'm using:

send-hook '^foo.*$' 'set content_type="text/plain"'

I have no other send-hooks.

I'm using Mutt 1.5.18.

--Thanks and God bless!

Uriel Avalos