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Re: How to prevent recoding of attachments?

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On Thursday, October  9 at 02:27 PM, quoth Jörg Sommer:
> when sending LaTeX files or translations of program strings mutt 
> recodes them and breaks them. How can I prevent mutt sends the 
> attachment with a different encoding as the local? In the LaTeX file 
> I define the encoding of the file as option of the package inputenc. 
> If I say utf8 there, mutt can't tell the recipient of the mail the 
> file is encoded in latin1 or something else.

The easiest way is to compress them first.

The fundamental problem is that text attachments get labeled with a 
character set, and mutt has to make sure that this label is correct. 
Your solution for po files solves this problem by tricking mutt into 
believing that it's not actually a text file.

Mutt *can* attempt to guess what character set text file attachments 
are in, using the $attach_charset setting. Here's the snippet from the 

         Type: string
         Default: ""

         This variable is a colon-separated list of character encoding
         schemes for text file attachments. If unset, the value of
         $charset will be used instead. For example, the following
         configuration would work for Japanese text handling:

         set attach_charset="iso-2022-jp:euc-jp:shift_jis:utf-8"

         Note: for Japanese users, "iso-2022-*" must be put at the head
         of the value as show above if included.

If you don't want mutt guessing, or if mutt proves to be pretty bad at 
guessing, the easiest workaround is to simply gzip your files before 
sending them - then mutt won't touch their insides.

- -- 
Last comes the beverage of the Orient shore, Mocha, far off, the 
fragrant berries bore. Taste the dark fluid with a dainty lip, 
Digestion waits on pleasure as you sip.
                                                        -- Pope Leo XII
Comment: Thank you for using encryption!
