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Re: mutt tmp files

Thus spake Kyle Wheeler [09/30/08 @ 16.01.37 -0500]:
> On Tuesday, September 30 at 10:18 PM, quoth Mauro Sacchetto:
> > I set mutt to put all tmp file in ~/mail/tmp. 
> > However, at present I've a lot of file, many empty 
> > or backup files. Is there an (automatic) method 
> > to delete the all there not useful files?
> Generally, mutt shouldn't leave files behind. There have been one or 
> two bugs that would cause it to leave files behind (that have been 
> fixed) and one or two issues with broken filesystems that would cause 
> files to be left behind (which can't be fixed). You should update to 
> the most recent version of mutt in order to make sure those bugs are 
> fixed, but generally, you should be able to delete everything in the 
> tmp folder whenever mutt exits - you can create a shell script wrapper 
> around mutt to make that happen.

Hmm.  Mutt has *always* left plenty of files behind for me.  Starting with 
1.4.something and all the way into 1.5.18.  On OSX Panther, Tiger, and Leopard. 
 It leaves things in the folder I defined as the tmpdir.  Usually the files are 
empty, but sometimes they are saved states of mails I was writing.

These files always have a name that looks something like:


I manually clean them out once in a while.  I thought this was normal.  Is mutt 
bugging out on the Mac?
