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terminals and mutt

I am not sure if this make sense: there are terminal options more
suitable for mutt and other for general purpose. I am wondering which terminal 
options are more suitable to work with mutt.

For example, in my case I am moving to urxvt. I would say that, for
exemple, I do not need:
* simulated reverse video
* scrolling
* transparent window background
* many perl extensions except tabbed terminals
I have ended with this command:

urxvt -g 100x44+0+0 -rv -j -ss -tr -pe 
 -fn '-misc-fixed-medium-r-normal-*-15-140-75-*-c-*-iso10646-1' -e mutt -F 

I am wondering if anybody is using different settings.

Also, I start urxvt from a
script with the above options, but it would be more elegant to start
mutt directly from the working terminal instead of opening a new one,
specially if I want to use different instances of mutt in each tab

Are you using special terminal definitions to work with mutt?
Where do you define those options?

Finally, I am wondering how to deal with keyboard conflicts between
terminals and mutt. For example, I have found that C-s (a macro 
for spam in my mutt) conflicts with some keybindings in urxvt (not in konsole). 
Therefore, some mutt configuration working in a terminal may not work in 
another terminal. Is there any way of disabling terminal key bindings when 
starting mutt?

Thanks very much for the attention!


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