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Re: How to get single list of mailboxes from two IMAP servers?

El diumenge, 03 de agost del 2008 a les 11:21, Marco Fioretti va escriure:

> but I don't want to "change imap account". I want to have **more** than
> one "open", whatever that means, at the **same** time. In Kmail, for
> example, I have the folders in both the accounts displayed
> simultaneously in the folder tree all the time, and I can move back
> and forth from any folder on remote_server to any folder on
> local_server without any problem. I only have, of course, to enter the
> password for each account the first time I access its server. This is
> the functionality I want to replicate in mutt and from reading this:
> > http://marc.info/?l=mutt-users&m=121744583503848&w=2

I am quite new to mutt, so I am just learning. I initially started
trying to mimic other mail clients (like kmail) and spent some time trying to
find a way to read different imap accounts from within mutt. 

After playing for a while, I feel that mutt has its own logic. It is
much easier to start each imap account in a different console (as it has been 
suggested in
the thread) than trying to have all the imap accounts to be read inside a 
single mutt. As I also have
started playing with scripts, I have written a
small script to start each different account:

I have this file: /usr/local/bin/correu
echo "Accounts: joanet, uab, fic, master"
if [ $1 = "joanet" ] || [ $1 = "uab" ] || [ $1 = "fic"  ] || [ $1 = "master" ]
        mutt -F ~/.mutt/Comptes/$1
        echo "This account does not exists:" $1

I write 'correu <name_of_my_account>' and I can access different and even the 
same account
from different consoles. 

Each account definition is stored in ~/.mutt/Comptes/, and each account
sources the general muttrc configuration file. 


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