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Re: Alternative Identities

El dimecres, 30 de juliol del 2008 a les 14:21, Kyle Wheeler va escriure:

> On Wednesday, July 30 at 08:55 PM, quoth mimosinnet@xxxxxxxxx:
> >This code in muttrc successfully loads the imap account definition (I 
> >have tryed with both accounts):
> >
> ># Default mailbox
> >source ~/.mutt/Comptes/joanet
> >
> >If I issue the command c (change-folder) ?, I get the desired list of 
> >the imap folders of the defined account.
> >
> >I was expecting I could source the other imap account definition, and 
> >mutt would be in the other account. If I enter mutt with one account 
> >and I source the other account:
> >:source ~/.mutt/Comptes/uab
> >
> >when issuing command c (change-folder) ?, mutt is waiting to get the 
> >list of folders or shows the folders of the account it was first 
> >sourced. It seems that sourcing the other account does not change the 
> >default imap folder.
> More accurately, "sourcing the other account" does not affect/change 
> the CURRENT imap connection. Issuing <change-folder> is done (by 
> default) within the current connection.
> Or, put another way, simply changing the value of $folder DOES NOT 
> cause mutt to open a new connection. NOR does issuing <change-folder>.

Thanks very much for the explanation. It clarifies very much the issue
for me. The key question is then, changing the imap connection.  

> >Is there another option I should set to be able to change imap 
> >accounts when inside mutt?
> In order to finish the change, you have to tell mutt to change the 
> current connection. For example, you could add the following to the 
> end of the account file you're sourcing:
>      push <change-folder>=<enter>
> That would tell mutt to actually connect to the other server (or, if 
> already connected, to make that connection the current connection).

Somehow, I am unable to change the current imap connection. I have tried the 
push command at the end of my 'source' file without success.

I had previosly adapted what was suggested in the mutt wiki 

account-hook . 'unset preconnect imap_user imap_pass imap_authenticators'
account-hook    imap://localhost        'source ~/.mutt/Comptes/joanet_account' 
account-hook    imap://user@xxxxxxxxxxx 'source ~/.mutt/Comptes/uab_account'
folder-hook imap://localhost            'source ~/.mutt/Comptes/joanet_folder'
folder-hook imap://user@xxxxxxxxxxx     'source ~/.mutt/Comptes/uab_folder'

In ~/.mutt/Comptes/uab_account I have:
set spoolfile=imap://user@xxxxxxxxxxx
set imap_user=user
set imap_pass=password
set imap_authenticators=login

In ~/.mutt/Comptes/uab_folder I have:
set folder=imap://user@xxxxxxxxxxx:143

When I change folder with 'c' (change folder) '?' (list of folders) '<tab>' 
(list of accounts) and selecte the imap://user@xxxxxxxxxxx, mutt shows it is 
connecting to this imap acount and shows it in the status bar (it shows the 
folder imap://user@xxxxxxxxxxx).

If I issue the command: :set ?folder, I get:

Neither repeating manually the <change-folder> nor setting the variable with 
:set folder=imap://user@xxxxxxxxxxx allows to see the list of folders of the 
new imap connection (I am unable to change my current imap connection).

After your explanation, it is clear to me that I was unable to change
the imap connection. Is there any other form of changing between two imap 
connection when
inside of mutt?

After playing for a while, I believe I will stay with what Cristobal and Dale 
have suggested in this thread:

1.- To create a muttrc definition for each account that sources the
rest of the general muttrc.
2.- To start mutt with mutt -F 'muttrc account definition'

After trying, I believe this may be the easiest approach while, at the same
time, offering a common configuration for all the accounts. 

Thanks everybody for your help!!

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