Re: Alternative Identities
On 25Jul2008 20:49, Dale Harris <rodmur@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
| On Fri, Jul 25, 2008 at 06:32:51PM -0400, =?ISO-8859-1?Q?Crist=F3bal_Palmer_
| >
| > My very-lazy-sysadmin solution, in honor of Sysadmin Appreciation Day[0].
| >
| > 1) fire up gnu screen(1)
| > 2) mutt -F /path/to/some/muttrc
| > 3) ^ac to open a new screen window
| > 4) mutt -F /other/account/muttrc
| > 5) profit
| >
| Yep, that's basically what I do now. ;) It'd still be nice to easily access
| account from one instance of mutt.
Well, a couple of tiny wrapped scripts get you two different mutts
easily. I know that's not quite what you're after. So read on...
But you want to switch. Two approaches suggest themselves to me here:
- a message-hook to re-source a muttrc on reading a message,
if you can switch accounts on that basis (eg based on the to/cc of
the message)
- macros as stated, _but_ to get a "menu" you make a directory with a
muttrc per account, named after the account (eg muttrc files
named "cs@xxxxxxxxxx", "cameron.simpson@xxxxxxxxx" etc) and then
have your macro read:
macro index ":source ~/rc/mutt/accts/<tab>"
which triggers the file pathname completion, neatly presenting
you with a list of account names!
How's that sound?
Cameron Simpson <cs@xxxxxxxxxx> DoD#743
The best way to rob a bank is to own one. - Roberto Calvi