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Re: index_format setting to show yr

On 20 Jun 2008 12:42 -0500, by dgc@xxxxxxxxxxxx (David Champion):
> You need the "date_conditional" patch to make date formats conditional
> upon relative date offsets, but even so you can only say "in the last 6
> months" or the like -- not "in the current year".

I haven't looked at this particular patch and the functionality it
offers, but couldn't one come pretty close with a combination of that
and muttrc GNU date shell/backtick expansions?

Granted, it would be something of a kludge, but I don't see why it
couldn't be made to work. (date's +%-j format might come in handy.)

Michael Kjörling .. michael@xxxxxxxxxxx .. http://michael.kjorling.se
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