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Re: Hi all, is there anyone knows how to send bigger attachments

em ...
I just sent the mail (with mutt) and nothing received in my mail....

Is there any log file I could seek ?

Thanks very much for your reply!

On Sun, Jun 1, 2008 at 7:28 PM, Michael Kjorling <michael@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> On 1 Jun 2008 16:58 +0800, by awflasher@xxxxxxxxx (Awflasher(GuoQirui)):
>> Mutt is really great but I cannot get anything when sending a 6M file.
>> It's ok for sending small files but when i'm trying to send a big
>> file, it stopped working.
>> Hope to get some tips, thanks very much!!
> Please explain how exactly mutt "stops working" when you try to send a
> large file.
> I have sent files well into the two-digit megabyte range in e-mail
> using mutt with no problems (assuming the mail servers involved allow
> such large e-mails).
> --
> Michael Kjörling .. michael@xxxxxxxxxxx .. http://michael.kjorling.se
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