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Re: set time_inc= ?

Pure gold kyle! Thanks stacks for such a detailed explanation.

<forgive my top-posting>


    0n Tue, May 27, 2008 at 10:49:29PM -0500, Kyle Wheeler wrote: 

    >On Wednesday, May 28 at 09:56 AM, quoth Wilkinson, Alex:
    >> Ok so in the manual time_inc says:
    >>  "this variable controls the frequency with which progress updates 
    >>  are displayed. It suppresses updates less than ``time_inc'' 
    >>  milliseconds apart. This can improve throughput on systems with 
    >>  slow terminals, or when running mutt on a remote system."
    >> Ok so what is meant by "progress updates" ?
    >Whenever mutt does something that can take a while (such as download a 
    >large message, open a very large mailbox, send a large message, etc.), 
    >it displays status information about that task at the bottom of the 
    >terminal. That status information is a "progress update".
    >> I'm still trying to work out what time_inc gives me :(
    >time_inc is a solution to a problem that some people have had. Here's 
    >how things used to work:
    >Progress updates used to be on a "once every N things" basis (this is 
    >the $read_inc setting). For example, when opening a large mailbox, you 
    >could tell mutt to post a new progress update every 10 messages (ten 
    >is the default, but it could be any number). Thus, after parsing ten 
    >messages, mutt would change the message at the bottom of the terminal 
    >("update" it) to tell you that another ten messages had been parsed. 
    >Now, generally speaking, mutt can read messages out of a mailbox 
    >pretty darn fast. Let's say, just for discussion purposes, that on you 
    >computer, mutt can read 1000 messages every second. With a $read_inc 
    >setting of 10, that means mutt will attempt to update the terminal's 
    >contents 100 times per second, or once every 1/100th of a second. 
    >That's pretty darn fast---you can't even read that fast---and some 
    >terminals just aren't that fast. If your terminal is slow and can't 
    >change it's display that quickly, you're spending a lot of time 
    >(comparatively speaking) updating your terminal and you aren't even 
    >getting anything useful out of it because the terminal can't display 
    >updates that quickly. It can even slow down how quickly mutt opens a 
    >mailbox, because mutt can't change the display until the previous 
    >display has finished. If your terminal has a reaction time of 1/25th 
    >of a second, that means updating the terminal 100 times takes 4 
    >seconds! That's no good, because that forces mutt to take four times 
    >as long to open a 1000 message mailbox (which it could have opened in 
    >1 second, if it didn't have to wait for the terminal). With me so far?
    >Previously, to compensate, you would do something like increase the 
    >read_inc setting to, say, 100. Thus, mutt would attempt to update the 
    >terminal's contents only 10 times per second. That's still plenty 
    >fast, on your 1/25th second terminal, it only takes 0.4 seconds, which 
    >means mutt can easily meet its deadline of opening the 1000 message 
    >mailbox in 1 second.
    >But now imagine that in addition to opening a local mailbox, which 
    >mutt can open quickly, you also want to open a remote IMAP mailbox, 
    >which mutt can only pull down much more slowly. Let's say, just for 
    >argument's sake, that mutt can only read 20 IMAP messages every 
    >second. If your $read_inc setting is 100, that means mutt has to read 
    >100 messages before it tells you how far along it is, which means that 
    >in the IMAP situation, it'll only tell you what it's doing every five 
    >seconds. That's annoying! It's also very imprecise! You don't know if 
    >mutt is just chugging along, or if there's one really big message 
    >that's causing a problem, or quite what's going on. What you'd really 
    >like mutt to do is to tell you what it's up to every so often, so that 
    >you know it's still alive, but at a pace that doesn't slow down its 
    >operation. That's where $time_inc comes in. You can set $read_inc to 
    >something absurdly small, like 1, and then set $time_inc to something 
    >reasonable, like 250. That means that it'll update the terminal to 
    >tell you what it's up to 4 times per second, NO MATTER how quickly or 
    >slowly it's doing its job. That way you can ensure that mutt keeps you 
    >informed (even if the task is really slow) without slowing itself down 
    >(even if the task is really fast).
    >Does that make sense?
    >> AFAICT with time_inc=10 included in my $HOME/.mutt/settings I see no 
    >> change, yet I see people on this list raving about it ? What am I 
    >> missing ?
    >A $time_inc=10 setting is absurdly low. That's telling mutt that you 
    >need updates every 1/100th of a second. You can't read that fast, and 
    >your terminal can't update that fast. The real joy of $time_inc is 
    >that you can make your increments (read_inc and write_inc) very small 
    >(essentially, 1) so that every update is as accurate as possible, but 
    >your updates still don't occur so fast that your terminal becomes the 
    >bottleneck and starts slowing mutt down.
    >But, it's also worth pointing out that if your terminal is blazingly 
    >fast (e.g. an xterm or rxvt or something like that), you may never 
    >notice any difference in performance, because the terminal is never 
    >slowing mutt down.

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