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Re: attaching files from a list?

On 25May2008 11:16, Vladimir Marek <Vladimir.Marek@xxxxxxx> wrote:
| > Is there some way, from the compose view in mutt, to attach given
| > files whose paths/filenames I have previously collected in a text file?
| Not exactly in compose view, but you may attach files directly when
| editing the message. Just set "set edit_headers" in your
| .muttrc, and then add files using new 'header' "Attach: filename".
| Using vim it is pretty easy to generate list of "Attach: ..." lines,
| using other editors I guess too.

To make this easy (getting readline to do filename completion) I do


So when I want to attach a file in compose mode (using vi) I just type
^A and get a file completing prompt:-)

Cameron Simpson <cs@xxxxxxxxxx> DoD#743

No, of course the people don't get to vote for who they want. This is a
democracy. They have to vote for Labour or Liberal.     - John Clarke