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Re: Deleting Duplicates

* Mike Loiterman <mike@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> [080507 01:07]:
> I have an mbox file with 3633 messages.  Every single message has a  
> duplicate.  I understand that I can easily delete duplicates with the  
> tag ~=.  The problem that I have is that this only works with messages  
> with a unique message ID.  Sadly, none of these messages has a unique  
> message ID, so this will not work.
> Is there some other way of deleting the duplicate messages?  Is there  
> some way of tagging every other message or every odd numbered  
> message?  There must be some way to select every other message and  
> delete it.
> Date filters won't work since each set of messages has a different  
> date.  Neither will subject or From filters for the same reason.  I  
> have also looked at grepmail which has the -u option for filtering out  
> only unique messages, but that works on Message-ID too!

Several weeks ago, someone on this list suggested "fdupes".