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Re: coloring headers

On Mon, Apr 28, 2008 at 03:13:40PM -0700, you (Ravi Uday) wrote:

Hi Ravi,

> 1. In the header of the recvd mail, how to make each mail address
> different color and
>    reflect the same color in the body of the mail if it(the
> name/address) appears there. ?

# coloring of the header
# -------------------------------------
color header white green "From"
color header white red "X-Spam-Level"
color header white yellow "Subject"
color header white blue "Date"
color header white magenta "Reply-To"

# email addresses
color body brightmagenta black 

That's how I color my mails. However it only highlights email addresses - it 
does not color matching emails in the same

What I would try is something like (untested!) 
# mark the bosses messages in red:
color index red black "some.name@xxxxxxxxxxxx"

# some guy
color index red white "some.name@xxxxxxxxxx"

and replace the index with the name of the view where you wanna see the 
coloring (pager, ....)

> 2. When we reply ('g'/'r'), oriiginal mail will prepend each line with
> '>', how to make it show
> '-->' instead

set indent_string="> " # prefix for quoted messages

is what you may be looking for.

Hope that helps,


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