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Re: Problems with mutt and utf-8, can't talk to itself even!

On 19 Mar 2008 14:14 +0000, by cl@xxxxxxxx (Chris G):
> Here are some incorrect pound signs:-
>     ��������������������������������������������������������?�

This shows up to me (on a thoroughly UTF-8 system) as 56 undisplayable
glyps, one question mark, and one more undisplayable glyph. Both
gnome-terminal (cat and nano), gedit, and Emacs (in X) all give the
same result. The binary data as stored in my mail spool is EF BF BD or
U+FFFD "replacement character". According to the GNOME character map
this is "used to replace an incoming character whose value is unknown
or unrepresentable in Unicode".

So something is mangling your message, and my first guess at a suspect
would be the editor still not understanding UTF-8 properly. Maybe
someone can look at how this came through their end and confirm that
suspicion, to rule out the possibility of my mail server doing
something illicit, but if it is on my end, it's a first for me.

> Here are some correct (as in correctly encoded as utf-8 by my editor)
> pound signs:-
>     ������

Same as above, except only six U+FFFD.

Michael Kjörling .. michael@xxxxxxxxxxx .. http://michael.kjorling.se
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