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Re: record and the current mailbox pointer

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On Monday, March 10 at 07:45 PM, quoth Didier BRETIN:
> I setup the record variable to this pointer in my .muttrc:
>       set record="^"

Something to keep in mind is this: shortcuts are resolved right away, 
not later. $record is not re-interpreted later (unless you force it to 
be). So, as far as mutt sees, what happens when you set that in your 
muttrc is this:

     mutt says "ah, you wish to set $record to the current folder"
     mutt asks "what is the current folder?"
     mutt answers "there is no current folder - I'm just reading my rc
                   file for the first time"
     mutt says "okay, so $record is set to the empty string"

So, you used the right syntax, and mutt did exactly what you told it 
to do.

In order to set the FCC to be the current mailbox whenever you send a 
mail, you would need to have something like the following in your 
muttrc file:

     folder-hook . 'set record="^"'

What that does is forces $record to be changed to the current folder 
whenever you open a new folder.

- -- 
I love America more than any other country in this world, and, exactly 
for this reason, I insist on the right to criticize her perpetually.
                                -- James Baldwin, Notes of a Native Son
Comment: Thank you for using encryption!
