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Re: USE_SMTP flag

On 8 Mar 2008 16:45 +0200, by amit.finkler@xxxxxxxxx (Amit Finkler):
> OK, it works. Thanks. While on the same note (or perhaps a totally 
> different one), I configured two accounts: my ISP's and my Gmail. When I 
> enter mutt through "mutt -y" I see both of them (and the third, 
> /var/spool/mail/amit account), but once I <Return> into one of them, I 
> can't manage to switch to the other one. pressing "c" doesn't seem to do 
> any good either, since it literally chdirs on my /home directory.
> Is there a binding that does that? Did I miss it?

Try c?<tab>.

Michael Kjörling .. michael@xxxxxxxxxxx .. http://michael.kjorling.se
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