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Re: Replying to Email / Removing previous signature

On 27.02.2008 (17:37), Breen Mullins wrote:
> Since my suggested mapping 
> map ,ds :.,/^-- $/-1d<CR>O
> only makes sense if I'm editing a mail, I pulled it from my .vimrc
> and dropped it into ~/.vim/after/syntax/mail.vim .

For what it's worth, I have the following in my mutt-vimrc file:

imap <leader>ff <esc>:/^-- $/+1,$d<cr><esc>:r !fortune -e<cr><c-o>
nmap <leader>ff :/^-- $/+1,$d<cr><esc>:r !fortune -e<cr><c-o>

imap <leader>dd <esc>:,/^-- $/-2d<cr>i
nmap <leader>dd :,/^-- $/-2d<cr>i

The first changes the fortune cookie if I'm not happy with it and leaves
the cursor in place, the second removes everything from the cursor to the
signature (old top-posters leftovers, etc.), and leaves the editor in
insert mode (optional, but that's the way I like it).


They will only cause the lower classes to move about needlessly.
                -- The Duke of Wellington, on early steam railroads.