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Re: message index: new mail, mutt doesn't open right folder

On Mon, Feb 18, 2008 at 02:18:12PM +0100, Vladimir Marek wrote:
> >     mailboxes +foo +bar +stuff
> > 
> > and mutt is open all the time. The last mailbox I visited is foo/. Now mail
> > arrives for all three boxes.  I'm in the message index and navigate to bar/,
> > press Return to enter the mailbox. But instead of opening bar/, I'm ending 
> > up
> > in foo/, i.e. the box which (1) also has new mail and (2) was the last 
> > mailbox
> > that was open. 
> You press "c=bar" + <CR> and you end up in foo? 

Hmm not exactly. I'm in foo/, read mail and go back to the message index by 
`c'. I have set

    macro index,pager c "<change-folder>?<toggle-mailboxes>" \
        "open a different folder"

Now in the message index (after some time, new mail has arrived) I see that
foo/ and bar/ are flagged with 'N'.  I use the j and k keys (or <up> and
<down>) to go to bar/, press Return to enter bar/, but I end up in foo/. This
happens only if foo/ got new mail after I left it the first time.

> What underlying mail storage do you use? What mutt version?


    set mbox_type=Maildir
    set folder=~/Maildir
    set spoolfile=~/Maildir
    mailboxes +foo +bar +stuff

On Debian testing:
$ mutt -v

    Mutt 1.5.17+20080114 (2008-01-14)
    System: Linux 2.6.21 (i686)
    ncurses: ncurses 5.6.20071124 (compiled with 5.6)
    libidn: 0.6.5 (compiled with 1.1)
    hcache backend: GDBM version 1.8.3. 10/15/2002 (built Apr 24 2006 03:25:20)
    Compile options:

If it's of any importance, please note that I have the sidebar patch but I
don't use it.

I hope you can give me some hints about what I could do to find out what's
going on here as this little thing can be really annoying :) Thanks!
