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Re: copy on a per email basis

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On Tuesday, February 12 at 07:10 PM, quoth SK:
> As far as I read the amanual, "set copy" allows one to specify 
> whether to keep a copy of all sent emails. Is there any way in which 
> I can disable this behavior by default (i.e. unset copy) but in the 
> compose window speficy that I want to keep a copy on a per-email 
> basis? Of course I can CC or BCC myself but that is too much "work" 
> :)

Well, copy is a quad-option, meaning that you can tell mutt to ask you 
every time. The valid options are: yes, no, ask-yes, and ask-no (the 
two variants of ask specify what the default will be when it asks).

But if you read the manual (or rather, the muttrc man page), the 
description of the $copy option directs you to also check out 
fcc-hook, which will allow you to specify where (or if) to save the 
message based on pattern matching (e.g. who the email is addressed to, 
what the subject line is, that sort of thing).

For example, you could create a pair of hooks to make sure that 
messages aren't saved if they're destined for yourself already:

     fcc-hook .  '=Sent' # default
     fcc-hook ~p '/dev/null' # don't save things addressed to me

Adding another would make sure that copies aren't saved for messages 
to the mutt mailing list:

     fcc-hook '~C mutt@xxxxxxxx' /dev/null

Or, if you've told mutt all about your subscribed mailing lists, you 
could do this:

     fcc-hook ~u /dev/null

Now, I'm pulling a bit of a fast one on you, because saving a message 
to /dev/null isn't *exactly* the same as not saving it. All that does 
is ensure that it doesn't get stored anywhere, but mutt still goes to 
the effort of writing it to /dev/null. Unfortunately, you can't use 
fcc-hook to specify "nothing". For example, this won't work:

     fcc-hook ~u ""

I'm not sure why. But I can tell you that there's a way around it, if 
the /dev/null trick doesn't sit well with you. Here's what I do:

     set copy=yes
     send-hook .  'set record="=Sent"'
     send-hook ~u 'set record='
     send-hook ~p 'set record='

That way, mutt doesn't even spend its time writing the message to 
/dev/null. But going that far is being anal, and could only possibly 
be an inconvenience for extremely large emails. That's just the kind 
of guy I am, though. :)

- -- 
The only fool bigger than the person who knows it all is the person 
who argues with him.
                                                -- Stanislaw Jerszy Lec
Comment: Thank you for using encryption!
