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Re: DOS text file attachments.

On 5 Feb 2008 10:00 -0600, by kyle-mutt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Kyle Wheeler):
> The best way to send a DOS file, if it needs to *stay* a DOS file, is 
> to compress it (e.g. to zip it) and send the compressed form. When it 
> is decompressed, it will return to its original DOS form.

This will obviously work. I was wondering though, if sent as an
application/octet-stream MIME part, shouldn't the file be encoded by
mutt in such a way that it can get reconstructed accurately on the
receiver side? Yes, I know that calling plain text a/o-s is a
borderline case, but sometimes compressing might not really be an
option. (Say, if the recipient might want to read the attachment on a
cell phone or PDA, which may not even be able to uncompress formats
taken for granted on PCs.)

Michael Kjörling .. michael@xxxxxxxxxxx .. http://michael.kjorling.se
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