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Re: Automatically change From according to recipient

On Mon, Feb 04, 2008 at 10:43:02AM +0200, Salvatore Iovene wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm registered to some mailing lists with an address different from
> the one I usually use, so when I post to them I have to edit my From
> header. Is there a way to have mutt do this automatically when I email
> a certain address?
Yes!  It's called send-hook.  I do exactly what you want to do, in my
.muttrc file I have:-

    send-hook .  'my_hdr From: Chris Green <chris@xxxxxxxxxx>'
    send-hook ~l 'my_hdr From: Chris G <cl@xxxxxxxx>'

The first send-hook sets my default From: address, the second one sets
my From: address for mailing lists set by a 'lists' directive later in
my .muttrc.

If you're not using the lists directive the second send-hook will need
a different way of matching the outgoing mail, look in the mutt manual
for the various ways of doing this.

Chris Green