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Re: Mailing list reply

* Kyle Wheeler <kyle-mutt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> [2007-10-05 12:44 -0500]:

How are you specifying in your muttrc that you're subscribed to that list? If you're doing it like this:

    subscribe listname@

Then you may be being too general (that subscribe line matches both listname@xxxxxxxxxxxx and listname@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, so if mutt sees both of those available in your message, it will reply to both of them). Try this:

    subscribe '^listname@listname\.com$'

That way only the one address matches, so it'll only be sent to the one that matched.

After more digging, I understand a bit more about what's going on.

2004-07-20 08:17:21  Thomas Roessler  <roessler@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

        * imap/message.c, mutt.h, parse.c, send.c, url.c: Use List-Post
        headers when doing list-reply.

And indeed, there's a List-Post header present that specifies
I've changed my .muttrc as you suggested, to delimit the subscribed
address properly. But the list-reply still picks up both versions of the list address when I try to reply. (The 'normal' one is in the address used by the
person I was replying to.) There are no followup headers in the message.

This looks like a bug: mutt usually gives us the flexibility to work
around eccentric configurations by a listowner, but it doesn't seem to
work here.



Breen Mullins
Menlo Park, California