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Re: How to organize mail in folders?

Am 2007-07-20 15:33:37, schrieb Kai Grossjohann:
> (I do not follow the above strategy, if that matters.  Maybe I should.
> Or maybe you have a better strategy?)
> On to the details of your message:
> On Thu, Jul 19, 2007 at 07:26:31PM +0200, Michelle Konzack wrote:
> > Am 2007-07-11 17:03:23, schrieb Kai Grossjohann:
> > >   - Receive personal mail and mailing list mail.
> > 
> > "fetchmail" or "getmail"
> Those do not know the difference between personal mail and mailing list
> mail, I think.

It fetch the Mail form your ISP mailserver ans pass it to an MDA

> > >   - Have different strategies for handling mail depending on the address
> > >     they were sent to (some mailing lists are less important than most
> > >     personal mail, so we don't check for new mail there as often).
> > 
> > "procmail" or "maildrop"
> Those do not check whether new mail is available that needs to be
> processed.

Hre you can set Recipes which do the stuff or invoke external
programs which check it from a database or such...

> > >   - Want to archive a large portion of mail.
> > 
> > "archivemail"
> This is a good hint.  Thanks a lot!


> > >   - Want to have an overview of messages that still need action of some
> > >     type.
> > 
> > ???
> I get a message.  It could be something I read and then delete.  Or it
> could be something that I read and then archive.  Or I respond right
> away and then delete or archive.
> These cases are easy.
> Then there are messages that mean I need to do something, but I need
> longer to do them.  Or I need to get feedback from somewhere.  Or
> whatever.  My memory is quite bad, so I like to have the computer store
> a list of these open ends so I don't have to remember them.

I would do this from a script and a macro@mutt
which let you set flags and such...

I do this too since I have some realy comples situation with some customers
but coded the whole stuff to my needs...  And yes, I was coding/testing over
3 weeks but since 4 years it save me the day...

> > >   - Don't want the archive to interfere (too much) with this overview.
> > 
> > ???
> Suppose I have a folder for the foo project.  Then which of the messages
> in that folder are open ends that still need action, and which of them
> are archived messages?

You can FLAG messages in "mutt" OR, if you can code stuff, make a script
with a dialog where aou can set FLAGS and notes and then let a cronjob
do the rest.

Please note, if you want to do individual message threating you need
definitivly Maildir folders.  (my system must handel per day over 8000
messages automaticaly and I realy do not want to handel this by hand,
once for a new unhanled stuff is enough and then it must go magicaly...)

> > > Right?  So what do you do?
> > 
> > ...its up to you.  :-)
> I hope that what _you_ do is not up to _me_.


    Michelle Konzack
    Tamay Dogan Network
    Debian GNU/Linux Consultant

Linux-User #280138 with the Linux Counter, http://counter.li.org/
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