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Re: How to organize mail in folders?

On 11Jul2007 17:03, Kai Grossjohann <kai@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
|   - Receive personal mail and mailing list mail.

Tick. Personal email and various announcements land in my "+me" mailbox.

|   - Have different strategies for handling mail depending on the address
|     they were sent to (some mailing lists are less important than most
|     personal mail, so we don't check for new mail there as often).

I have several folders for mailing lists, and several receive multiple
lists. Eg my +unix folder gets a bunch of UNIXy lists. I use the X-Label
header field to show which list a message came from, inserted by the
procmail rule that filed the message.

|   - Want to archive a large portion of mail.

Nightly I roll off anything older than 6 months from folder +foo
into +ARCHIVE/foo, for most folders.

|   - Want to have an overview of messages that still need action of some
|     type.

I flag these ("F"). Limiting the view to flagged messages ("l~F<enter>")
shows just these in the current folder.

|   - Don't want the archive to interfere (too much) with this overview.

The nightly roll-off mentioned above - the archive is separate folder.
Cameron Simpson <cs@xxxxxxxxxx> DoD#743

Me, I'm looking for obituaries.  Lately a gratifyingly large number of my
most odious near-contemporaries are achieving their long-deserved quietus.
Not enough, and not always the right ones, but their time will come.
Peeve: I may not live to see them dead.
        - Lee Rudolph, rudolph@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx