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Re: Solved: Re: multiple smart hosts

On Sun, Jul 22, 2007 at 06:43:00PM -0500, David Champion wrote:
> I've recently started using mutt's builtin smtp.  I run a sendmail
> daemon locally, but I don't always want to submit to local SMTP.  I use
> this config:
> send2-hook .                     'set smtp_url=smtp://localhost/'
> send2-hook '~f me@xxxxxxxxxxxx'  'set smtp_url=smtp://example1.org/'
> send2-hook '~f me@xxxxxxxxxxxx'  'set smtp_url=smtp://example2.org/'
> ... which might be a useful alternative to exim or msmtp.  (Replace
> 'localhost' with any smtp server you have posting access to.)
Nice. Since I'm stuck with mutt 1.5.13 (debian etch) I didnt realize builtin
smtp is available (first in mutt 1.5.15, I think).

> -- 
>  -D.    dgc@xxxxxxxxxxxx    NSIT    University of Chicago

Benjamin Eckenfels

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