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Re: How to organize mail in folders?

On date Friday 2007-07-20 15:33:37 +0200, Kai Grossjohann muttered:
> Michelle,
> I think there is a misunderstanding.  I wanted to understand how other
> people process their email.  You are giving me pointers to programs but
> don't describe how you use them.
> Here is a potential strategy for handling mail:
>   - All incoming mail goes to inbox.
>   - I process all mails from inbox.
>   - Some messages I read, then delete right away.
>   - Other messages I read, then archive by project.
>     By project means that there is a folder for each project.
>   - Some messages I read, then respond to and archive (by project).
>   - Some messages I read, decide that I can't handle them right
>     away, so I put them in the todo folder.  Every morning I go
>     through my todo folder.
>   - Some messages (often those sent by me) are waiting for responses
>     from others.  I file those in the "pending" folder.  Every
>     morning I go through my "pending" folder to see whether a response
>     has arrived.
> Some of the above steps could be automated.  The strategy does not
> handle mailing lists well.  But I hope it shows one possible response
> and makes it clear in what way your response differs from what I was
> expecting.

My strategy:

* all mailboxes, both archives and inboxes ones are in maildir format.

* messages are fetched by fetchmail then processed by procmail. Every
  mailing list has a corresponding maildir in inbox/, for example I
  have inbox/mutt-users, inbox/gnome-list etc, and there is a generic
  mailbox (inbox/generic) for all the other mails. I could easily
  modify this to have different inboxes where to manage mails incoming
  not from ML (e.g. inbox/generic, inbox/work, etc.).  I also have an
  inbox/almost-certainly-spam and inbox/maybe-spam, where all the
  mails marked as spam by spamassassin go.

* for each inbox I have a corresponding mutt snippet in a distinct file.
  Every snippet is contained in ~/.mutt/profiles, and is named something like:
  I source all these profiles at mutt startup with:
  source ~/.mutt/cat-profiles|
  in ~/.mutt/mutrc.

  cat-profiles contains this:

#! /bin/bash

# cat all the profiles files in a single one file (that is the output of 
# this script
# this output is meant to be source by mutt in the muttrc file
find ~/.mutt/profiles/ -perm -700 -type f | sort | xargs cat

  This is problematic since an error in some profile results
  difficult to detect. The perfect solution would be to have the
  source command supports something lke this:

  source `find ~/.mutt/profiles/ -perm -700 -type f | sort | xargs cat`
  but unfortunately this can't work (source only supports one
  filename, though I think it would be simple to change with some
  knowledge of the mutt code).

* I have an emacs function which automatically writes the mutt snippet
  (profile) for a mailing list. Here it is the elisp code:

(defun muttrc-insert-list-rc (&optional list-address list-nickname attribution 
  "Insert a configuration snippet based on the arguments, using the
muttrc-insert-list-rc-skeleton function."
  (let* ((list-address (if (null list-address)
                          (read-string "list address of the mailing list: ")))
        (list-nickname (if (null list-nickname)
                           (read-string "list nickname of the mailing list: "
                                        ;; default value
                                          (string-match "\\([-_[:alnum:]]+\\)@" 
                                          (match-string 1 list-address)))))
        (attribution (if (null attribution)
                         (read-string "attribution string: " 
                                      "On date %d, %n wrote:")))
        (signature (if (null signature)
                       (read-string "signature: " "~/.signatures/en/linux"))))
       "# write this line in your muttrc file:" \n
       `(concat "# source \"~/.mutt/profiles/" list-nickname "\"") \n
       `(concat "mailboxes " "\"~/Mail/inbox/" list-nickname "\"") \n
       `(concat "subscribe " list-address) \n
       "# hook to activate when moving to the corresponding dir" \n
       `(concat "folder-hook +inbox/" list-nickname "\\") \n
       > "'" 
       `(concat "save-hook . +archive/recent/" list-nickname) 
       "'" \n
       "# what to do with the messages sent to this profile" \n
       `(concat "send-hook '~t " list-address "' \\") \n
       > "'"
       `(concat "set attribution=\"" attribution "\"") ";\\" \n
       > `(concat "set locale=\"en_US\"") ";\\" \n
       > `(concat "set signature=\"" signature "\"") 
       "'" \n
       "# where has to be saved the copy of the message sent to this profile" \n
       > `(concat "fcc-hook '~t " list-address "' +inbox/" list-nickname) \n

  The resulting snippet, with some editing, looks like this:

mailboxes "~/Mail/inbox/mutt-users"

subscribe mutt-users@xxxxxxxx

# hook to activate when changing to the corresponding dir
folder-hook +inbox/mutt-users \
    'save-hook . +archive/recent/mutt-users'

# what to do with the messages sent to this profile
send-hook '~t mutt-users@xxxxxxxx' \
    'set attribution="On date %d, %n muttered:";\
     set locale=en_US;\
     set signature="fortune ~/share/fortune/en/mutt-tips|"'

fcc-hook '~t mutt-users@xxxxxxxx' +inbox/mutt-users

* From the profiles snippets, result that every message is
  automatically saved in a corresponding archive dir (e.g.
  inbox/mutt-users -> archive/recent/mutt-users).

* Every week I have a cron script that runs a perl script which scans
  every archive/recent/folder and put the messages older than six
  months in a corresponding archive/old/folder-year.

* Messages for which I want to reply are kept in inbox/folder.

* I like to store received and sent messages in the same folder, so my
  inbox/generic and archive/{recent,old}/generic contains both
  received and sent mails (which seems to me the most meaningful


mutt random tip #2
Starting from mutt 1.5.12 you can reference variables in commands with the
shell-like syntax: $variable. For example you can do:
source $alias_file