* René Clerc [2007-07-16 12:26]:
Hi all, First of all, I am sorry that I cannot spend the time on this list I used to -- busy with lots of other things. Still lurking now and then though.. .. and posting! I noticed that, when replying to an e-mail, the attribution uses the date from (what it seems) the Received: header in stead of the Date: header. Why?
Do you use the %() format in your attribution? %(fmt) the local date and time when the message was received. ``fmt'' is expanded by the library function ``strftime''; a leading bang disables locales Try %{}. K. -- #!/usr/bin/perl -w print(&{sub{eval(qq(q(@_)))}}((join(''=>map{ord=~m(^106)?uc:lc}($[=> map{chr}(97..122))[map{int}grep{length}split(/(\d\d)/,'10211920011'. qq(41520080518190907140120211805))]))=~m(\A(\w{4})(\S+)(s\D+)$)),$/)