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Re: Collapsing Threads

I am not sure, here is my muttrc


> Expanded threads is the default, iirc.
> what do you have in your ~/.muttrc concerning threads?
> On Wed, May 16, 2007 at 07:05:04PM +0200, it looks like Danny sent me:
> > Hi guys,
> > 
> > My apologies if this was asked a million times before.
> > 
> > At the moment if I view my mail "(most are mailing-lists), all threads are
> > collapsed. I want the threads to be un-collapsed when I start mutt.
> > 
> > Thanx for the help.
> > 
> > Danny
> > 
> +-----
> joel esler | security consultant | Sourcefire | 
> http://demo.sourcefire.com/jesler.pgp.key

set abort_nosubject=ask-no
set abort_unmodified=no
set alias_file=~/.mutt/mutt_aliases_rc  # where I keep my aliases
#set allow_8bit                 # never do Q-P encoding on legal 8-bit chars
#set allow_ansi=no
#set arrow_cursor               # use -> instead of hiliting the whole line
#set ascii_chars                # use ASCII instead of ACS chars for threads
#set askbcc
#set askcc
#set attach_format "%u%D%I %t%4n %T%.40d%> [%.7m/%.10M, %.6e%?C?, %C?, %s] "
set attach_sep ="\n"
set attach_split=yes
set attribution="On %d, %n thought of the following :"  # how to attribute 
set autoedit=no                 # go to the editor right away when composing
#set auto_tag                   # always operate on tagged messages
set beep=yes
set beep_new=yes
#set charset="iso-8859-1"       # character set for your terminal
set noconfirmappend             # don't ask me if i want to append to mailboxes
#set confirmcreate              # prompt when creating new files
set copy=yes                    # always save a copy of outgoing messages
set date_format="!%b %d %g"
set delete=yes                  # purge deleted messages without asking
set edit_headers                # let me edit the message header when composing
set editor="vim -c 'set filetype=mail' -c 'set textwidth=80' +:$ +:star!"       
        # editor to use when composing messages
#set bounce=ask-yes                     # don't ask about bouncing messages, 
just do it
set encode_from
set fast_reply=no                       # skip initial prompts when replying
set fcc_attach=yes                      # keep attachments in copies of sent 
#set folder=~/Mail
set folder=/mnt/nfs/mailserver/Mail
set folder_format="%2C %t %N %F %2l %-8.8u %-8.8g %8s %d %f"
#set force_name=yes                     # fcc by recipient, create if mailbox 
doesn't exist
#set forward_decode             # weed and MIME decode forwaded messages
#set forward_format="[%a: %s]"  # subject to use when forwarding messages
#set forward_quote              # quote the header and body of forward msgs
set from="myemail@xxxxx"
set hdr_format="%4C %Z %{%m/%d} %-15.15F (%4c) %s" # format of the index
set hdrs                        # include `my_hdr' lines in outgoing messages
set header                      # include message header when replying
#my_hdr Initiate:danny_at_ktsolution_dot_biz
set help                        # show the help lines
set history=20                  # number of lines of history to remember
set hidden_host=yes
#set hostname=   #" my DNS domain
set include=ask-yes                     # always include messages when replying
set indent_string="> "          # how to quote replied text
set index_format="%4C %Z [%D] %-20.20F %-20.20a %-20.20t (%-2.2M) (%4l=%4c) %s"
set locale="C"                  # locale to use for printing time
set mailcap_path="~/.mailcap:/usr/local/share/mailcap:/etc/mailcap"
#set mailcap_path="~/.mailcap"
set nomark_old                  # i don't care about whether a message is old
#set mail_check=10              # how often to poll for new mail
#set mbox=~/Mail/inbox                  # where to store read messages
set mbox=/mnt/nfs/mailserver/Mail/inbox
#set menu_scroll                # no implicit next-page/prev-page
set metoo                       # remove my address when replying
set mime_forward                # use message/rfc822 type to forward messages
set move=yes                    # don't ask about moving messages, just do it
#set pager=less                 # some people prefer an external pager
#set pager_context=3            # no. of lines of context to give when scrolling
#set pager_format="-%S- %-20.20f %s"    # format of the pager status bar
set pager_index_lines=20                # how many index lines to show in the 
#set pager_stop                 # don't move to the next message on next-page
#set pgp_strict_enc             # use Q-P encoding when needed for PGP
set postpone=ask-no
set postponed=~/Mail/postponed/postponed        # mailbox to store postponed 
messages in
#set post_indent_string='---end quoted text---'
#set print=ask-yes              # ask me if I really want to print messages
set print_command=/bin/false    # how to print things (I like to save trees)
set noprompt_after      # ask me for a command after the external pager exits
#set quote_regexp="^ *[a-zA-Z]*[>:#}]"  # how to catch quoted text
set read_inc=25                 # show progress when reading a mailbox
#set recall                     # prompt to recall postponed messages
set record=~/Mail/outbox/outbox         # default location to save outgoing mail
set reply_to=ask-yes                    # always use reply-to if present
#set reply_regexp="^(re:[ \t]*)+"# how to identify replies in the subject:
#set resolve            # move to the next message when an action is performed
#set reverse_alias              # attempt to look up my names for people
set reverse_name                # use my address as it appears in the message
                                # i am replying to
set nosave_empty                # remove files when no messages are left
#set save_name                  # save outgoing messages by recipient, if the
set sendmail="/usr/lib/sendmail -oi -oem"       # how to deliver mail
#set sendmail="/usr/sbin/postfix"       # how to deliver mail
#set shell="/bin/zsh"           # program to use for shell escapes
#set signature="~/.signature"   # file which contains my signature

# I subscribe to a lot of mailing lists, so this is _very_ useful.  This
# groups messages on the same subject to make it easier to follow a
# discussion.  Mutt will draw a nice tree showing how the discussion flows.
set sort=threads                # primary sorting method

#set sort_aux=reverse-date-received     # how to sort subthreads
#set sort_aux=last-date         # date of the last message in thread
set sort_browser=reverse-date   # how to sort files in the dir browser
#set spoolfile='~/Mail/inbox'   # where my new mail is located
set spoolfile=/mnt/nfs/mailserver/Mail/inbox
set status_format="-%r-Mutt: %f %h [Msgs:%?M?%M/?%m%?n? New:%n?%?o? Del:%d?%?F? 
Flag:%F?%?t? Tag:%t?%?p? Post:%p?%?b? Inc:%b?  %l]---(%s)-%>-(%P)---"
#set status_on_top              # some people prefer the status bar on top
#set strict_threads             # don't thread by subject
set tilde                       # virtual lines to pad blank lines in the pager
#set timeout=0                  # timeout for prompt in the index menu
set tmpdir=/tmp         # where to store temp files
#set to_chars=" +TCF"
#set use_8bitmime               # enable the -B8BITMIME sendmail flag
set nouse_domain                # don't qualify local addresses with $domain
set use_from                    # always generate the `From:' header field
#set use_mailcap=yes            # always use a mailcap entry when found
set pgp_verify_sig=no           # don't automatically verify message signatures
set realname="Danny"
#set visual=vim                 # editor invoked by ~v in the builtin editor
#set nowait_key                 # prompt when a pipe returns normal status
set write_inc=25                # show progress while writing mailboxes

# only enable the following IFF you have sendmail 8.8.x or you will not
# be able to send mail!!!
#set dsn_notify='failure,delay' # when to return an error message
#set dsn_return=hdrs            # what to return in the error message

source ~/.mutt/mutt_colors_rc
source ~/.mutt/mutt_keybindings_rc
source ~/.mutt/mutt_macros_rc
source ~/.mutt/mutt_aliases_rc
source ~/.mutt/mutt_user_defined_headers_rc
source ~/.mutt/mutt_save_hooks_rc
source ~/.mutt/mutt_mbox_hooks_rc
source ~/.mutt/mutt_send_hooks_rc
source ~/.mutt/mutt_fcc_hooks_rc
source ~/.mutt/mutt_folder_hooks_rc
source ~/.mutt/mutt_mailboxes_rc
source ~/.mutt/mutt_mailinglists_rc
source ~/.mutt/mutt_scoring_rc
source ~/.mutt/mutt_misc_rc