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Re: howto configure a macro only for a specific mailbox?

On Fri 20.Apr.07 16:23, Raphael wrote:
Hi Users

I have a macro definied for the key "d" to move the messages from any
mailbox to the trash-mailbox. this works correctly.

Now, I want to define a macro for the mailbox trash for the same key,
but not to move into itself, but rather to delete the message immediate.

how can I define a macro for only a specific mailbox?

From [1]:
"poor man's" trash-folder management, doesn't work with <tag-prefix> to apply for multiple.
 folder-hook .      'macro index d "<save-message>=trash<enter>"'
 folder-hook =trash 'macro index d <delete-message>'


1. http://wiki.mutt.org/?MacroSamples


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