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macro is only half executed


I have create a little script which let me choose from different
predefined "mailboxes" files.  I call it with a macro from:

----[ '/home/michelle.konzack/.mutt/macros' ]--------------------------

macro generic \cf ':`tdmuttsettings --set --macro`'"\n"
macro index   \cf ':`tdmuttsettings --set --macro`'"\n"
macro pager   \cf ':`tdmuttsettings --set --macro`'"\n"

which is working correctly and it output:

    source <the_predefined_mailboxes_include>

Unfortunatly, with each call it ADD new "mailboxes", which mean I have
to "unmailboxes" it before.  But crap, it is not working:

  ':unmailboxes *\n:`tdmuttsettings --set --macro`'"\n"
  ':unmailboxes *<enter>:`tdmuttsettings --set --macro`'"\n"

Itr execute only the first command and then nothing anymore.

Any hints?

Oh, I have tried tonns of other versions too...

    Michelle Konzack
    Tamay Dogan Network
    Debian GNU/Linux Consultant

Linux-User #280138 with the Linux Counter, http://counter.li.org/
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Michelle Konzack   Apt. 917                  ICQ #328449886
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