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Re: mutt, gpg, inline, attachments

On Wed, Jan 31, 2007 at 10:58:10AM -0500, Kyle Wheeler wrote:
> On Wednesday, January 31 at 04:18 PM, quoth Stefan M??rkl:
> > I know that officially this isn't possible, but can I make mutt sign 
> > and encrypt messages with attachments inline somehow?  One of my 
> > contacts uses broken software so he can't handle PGP/MIME messages.
> However, it IS possible to encrypt/sign just the text-part of a 
> message that includes attachments, you just have to be aware that an 
> encrypted message with an attachment CANNOT encrypt the attachment.

Alternately, you can use shar or something to make several files
into one, gpg-encrypt it, and then insert that into the body.

That's the poor man's attachment, and it seemed to work for
Usenet for a few decades.

Of course the recipient has to pipe it through sh to extract all
the files, but... you have to use something to serialize/deserialize,
since his mailer can't handle multipart MIME and if you don't want
to send seperate emails.

Or you could use tar and uuencode/uudecode, etc.  Many ways, but
obviously none as easy as installing a MIME compatible email client.

> A tyrant must put on the appearance of uncommon devotion to religion. 
> Subjects are less apprehensive of illegal treatment from a ruler whom 
> they consider God-fearing and pious. On the other hand, they do less 
> easily move against him, believing that he has the gods on his side.

That sounds like something Macchiavelli wrote in "The Prince":

``Therefore, a prince doesn't need to have all the qualities mentioned
earlier, but it is necessary that he appear to have them. I'll even
add to this: having good qualities and always practicing them is
harmful, while appearing to practice them is useful. It's good to
appear to be pious, faithful, humane, honest, and religious, and it's
good to be all those things; but as long as one keeps in mind that
when the need arises you can and will change into the opposite. It
needs to be understood that a prince, and especially a prince recently
installed, cannot observe all those qualities which make men good, and
it is often necessary in order to preserve the state to act contrary
to faity, contrary to mercy, contrary to humaneness, and contrary to
religion. And therefore he needs a spririt disposed to follow wherever
the winds of fortune and the variability of affairs leads him. As I
said above, it's necessary that he not depart from right but that he
follow evil.''

``When you are doing business with a religious son of a %&*#!*, get it
in writing.  His word don't mean %#!@ with the good lord telling him
how to &$#@ you on a deal'' -- William Burroughs

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