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Re: reading color quoted replies

On Tue, Jan 30, 2007 at 07:31:38PM +0100, Rado S wrote:
> =- Marc Vaillant wrote on Tue 30.Jan'07 at 12:59:46 -0500 -=
> > > * On Tue, Jan 30, 2007 Marc Vaillant (vaillant@xxxxxxxxxxx) muttered:
> > > > I'm wondering how people handle messages coming from outlook
> > > > users that quote the message they're replying to (or their
> > > > replies) in color instead of the usual angle indenting (> )?
> >
> > The message is readable, but the clarity that the color provides
> > is lost when I view it in mutt because the only differentiator
> > is color. I could open up the html in a graphical browser but I
> > still can't tell apriori that the message contains the color
> > tags. E.g. the above '> ' quoting would just look like:
> > {...}
> > but in a graphical browser, your text would be in a different
> > color than mine.
> To answer your original Q:
> I do _not_ handle such eMail. Period. :)
> _You_ have several options:
> 1) educate your eMail partners to quote mutt-friendly (txt-only).
> 2) use autoview with a graphical browser => wiki FAQ.
> 3) use autoview with a script that converts such (*censored*)
> eMail to some sane usable format by converting the html/css
> coloring instructions to '> ' sequences.
> I recommend 1).

I guess that I was looking for option 3.  Some sort of extension for w3m
(or another text based browser) that lets you do something reasonable
when dumping html with FONT COLOR tags to text (other than just removing
the tags).

Are you serious about option 1?
