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Re: Auto-fill-mode in emacsclient

On date Wednesday 2007-01-31 01:31:40 +0100, sven.bretfeld@xxxxxx muttered:
> Dear List
> I'm new to Mutt. As I am a fan of GNU-Emacs I use emacsclient for
> composing mails. But I'm quite an Emacs newbe too. 
> On my GNU/Debian (Etch) machine I have to turn on Emacs'
> auto-fill-mode manually when I compose a mail text for mutt. This
> annoyes me of course. On my other computer, which runs Ubuntu 6.10,
> the auto-fill-mode comes up automatically. This is strange since both
> computers use exactly identical .emacs and .muttrc files. On Debian
> I'm running Emacs 21.4.1. As I have no access to the Ubuntu maschine
> at the moment I can't tell if its version is different (anyway, it's
> the version of the main repository).
> My .muttrc containes the line:
> set editor="emacsclient %s"
> on both machines. The relevant lines of the .emacs files are:
> (server-start)
> (add-hook 'mail-mode-hook 'turn-on-auto-fill)

That should work.
Are you sure that when you're composing mails you're using the

If this is not the case you can try this in your emacs configuration
file (assuming you're using something as:
set tmpdir=~/tmp                # where to store temp files
in your muttrc file):

(push '(".*/tmp/mutt.*\\'" . mail-mode) auto-mode-alist)

to automatically set up the mail-mode when composing messages with

Stefano Sabatini
Linux user number 337176 (see http://counter.li.org)