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Re: reading color quoted replies

* On Tue, Jan 30, 2007 Gary Johnson (garyjohn@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx) muttered:
> On 2007-01-30, Michael Tatge <Michael.Tatge@xxxxxx> wrote:
> > * On Tue, Jan 30, 2007 Marc Vaillant (vaillant@xxxxxxxxxxx) muttered:
> > > I'm wondering how people handle messages coming from outlook users that
> > > quote the message they're replying to in color
> > 
> > Outlook uses a indent string. Default '> '.
> I occasionally receive HTML e-mail from Outlook users who have used 
> color to identify their reply text and have not applied any sort of 
> indentation or quoting to the original message.

Now that is - just plain awful. html *and* no proper quoting?
I guess the only thing to do would be to send them their stuff back text
dumped, fully quoted. Let them figure out what is quoted and what not. ;)


<SomeLamer> what's the difference between chattr and chmod?
<SomeGuru> SomeLamer: man chattr > 1; man chmod > 2; diff -u 1 2 | less
                -- Seen on #linux on irc

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