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Re: notify new mails

On date Sunday 2006-12-31 09:46:16 +1100, atstake atstake muttered:
> I filter mails to various mbox's  as mutt doesn't notify which mbox
> received new mails. At the moment I'm doing a "tail -f .procmaillog"
> which is rather inconvenient. Is there any way mutt can notify me
> about which mbox received new mails?
> I get the "N" parameter beside every new mail and also a "N" beside
> every mbox but what I would like to have is mutt telling me about
> mbox's which received new mails when I open mutt.
> Thanks.

Start mutt with -y, and use a mailbox command in your muttrc for each
of the mailboxes you want to check for new mails. Mutt will open
listing all the mailboxes. Then press <tab> (<toggle-mailboxes>) to
switch to a browser view. 

The command . <buffy-list> show all the mailboxes containing new

But also consider to use an external notifier program (dive in the
list archive for an indepth discussion).

Stefano Sabatini
Linux user number 337176 (see http://li.count.org)