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Can't get %y expansion to work

Thanks for the quick response, I think we're both being misunderstood...

Sorry for breaking the threading, about half of the time I forget to
edit my From line, a problem this would fix:

On Tue, Dec 26, 2006 at 09:54:12AM +0100, jurriaan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
> Well, I said:
> > Then my editor wrapper script reads Sent-To, converts that in to From:
> > and everybody is happy.
> so if that is unclear, let me quote a part of my editor wrapper script
> (this is a separate shell script, called from mutt as editor):
> # procmail saves the envelope-from into X-Label:, then .muttrc sets and
> # Sent-To: %y attribution.
> envelopeto=`grep "^Sent-To:" $file | cut -d":" -f2-`
> if [ `echo $envelopeto | grep -c "@"` -gt 0 ]
> then
>    grep -v "^From:" $file > $file.tmp
>    echo "From:"$envelopeto | cat - $file.tmp > $file
>    grep -v "^Sent-To:" $file > $file.tmp
>    mv $file.tmp $file
> fi
Sorry, this doesn't help.

I've got formmail/procmail working to put the X-Original-To into
X-Label, but when it comes to populating the Sent-To line,
all that my_hdr can give me is, literally,

Sent-To: %y

That is, my sent-to line doesn't have an email address on it,
it has a literal percent sign followed by the letter y.

What you're saying will make my From: line end up with the value %y
instead of my email address.

I can't figure out how to get it to expand to the X-Label:
content in the original email.  Is that supposed to happen
before you edit the reply, or after you send it, or what?

I'm sure I'm missing something basic here, but I don't know what it is.
A: No.
Q: Should I include quotations after my reply?
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