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Re: wich settings for using firefox with mutt ?

Elimar Riesebieter <riesebie@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
| On Wed, 15 Nov 2006 the mental interface of
| mess-mate told:
| > I've installed firefox in my $HOME dir.
| > But can(t use it with mutt:
| > my mailcap file looks like :
| > text/html; /home/mes-mate/firefox/firefox '%s';     description=HTML
| > Text; nametemplate=%s.html; test=test "$DISPLAY" != ""
| > 
| > and
| > 
| > text/html; /home/mess-mate/firefox/firefox '%s'; description=HTML Text;
| > test=test -n "$DISPLAY";  nametemplate=%s.html
| > 
| > I've setted also firefox as the default browser in my 'alternatives'
| > and 'env'.
| > 
| > What's wrong with it ?
| Are you running urlview?
| Elimar
If you mean when i press 'B', yes the url's are viewed and selecting
one + 'enter' launch mozilla, not firefox.


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nothing.  It was here first.
                -- Mark Twain