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Re: improving readability of index

=- Russell L. Harris wrote on Mon 20.Nov'06 at 14:41:29 -0600 -=

> I think the message index page would be easier to read if the
> entries were double-spaced, rather than single spaced. That is,
> if an extra linefeed were added at the end of each line.
> Can such a change be made without re-writing mutt?

I guess not, but see wether this has been already requested on the
BTS (see wiki start page for link). I vaguely remember somebody
else suggesting this before, but I don't know on which of the
various mutt places.

> If a revisions to Mutt would be necessary, I would like to see
> this made a standard option.

A definitive NO, it takes away too much too valuable space! :)

As a workaround, maybe you can find better suitable font for the
terminal where your mutt is barking. Try "xfontsel".

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