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label and index format


I am having trouble with my index_format and I was looking for some
help. I have installed a function to edit labels and am working on the
index format to display it correctly.

Here is my index_format:
set index_format="%4C %Z %{%a %b-%d %H:%M} %-15.15L (%?l?%4l&%4c?) (%y)%s"

And here is how it is displayed:

1680 N   Fri Nov-10 12:56 Cameron Simpson (4.7K) (er)Re: which biff for maildir?
1681 N   Thu Nov-09 20:57 John K Masters  (4.1K) ()Rejected mail
1682 N   Fri Nov-10 16:07 PMNow           (3.3K) ()FB-SPAM:
1683 N   Fri Nov-10 10:59 Stefano Sabatin ( 112) ()Re: which biff for maildir?

I am wondering how I can not display the ()      ^ if there is no label
for my message?

This is the format as suggested by labeling.


Reference is: http://users.auriga.wearlab.de/~alb/other/mutt-labels/


148D 5CC5 2A04 852D 53DC  727F 386F 9068 B3A2 9D47