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Move to next thread when marked as read

Hi guys,
I have got following question. How do I make mutt automatically jump to
next thread when I mark current thread as read? I used to have this
functionality by default some time before but I changed my muttrc and
this functionality went away. I tried to play with resolve and
uncollapse_jump muttrc option but no use. Here is my muttrc. I hope it
will help you find the issue.


# colors definitions                                                 #

# color <where> <foreground> <background> [regexp]
# normal : default color - white on black
color normal            white                   black
color attachment        brightyellow    black
color tilde                     blue                    black
color markers           brightred               black
color tree                      red                             black

# some in-mail colors : quotes, signature
color quoted    cyan    black
color quoted1   green   black
color quoted2   red             black
color quoted3   yellow  black
color quoted4   green   black
color signature cyan    black

# various smilies and text formatting
color body      brightgreen     black   " [;:]-*[)>(<|]"
color body      brightblue      black
"(^|[[:space:]])\\*[^[:space:]]+\\*([[:space:]]|$)" # *Bold* text.
color body      brightblue      black
"(^|[[:space:]])_[^[:space:]]+_([[:space:]]|$)"     # _Underlined_
color body      brightblue      black
"(^|[[:space:]])/[^[:space:]]+/([[:space:]]|$)"     # /Italic/ text.
color body      brightred       black   "[\-\.+_a-zA-Z0-9]+@[\-\.a-zA-Z0-9]+"
color body      brightblue      black

# status bar
color status    brightyellow    blue

# headers colors
color hdrdefault        cyan            black
color header            brightblue      black "^From:"
color header            brightcyan      black "^To:"
color header            cyan            black "^Reply-To:"
color header            magenta         black "^Date:"
color header            brightcyan      black "^Cc:"
color header            brightgreen     black "^Subject:"
color header            brightblack     black "^X-Mailer:"
color header            brightblack     black "^User-Agent:"

# indicator colors
color indicator brightyellow    blue
color index             brightwhite             black   "~N !~T !~F"
# regular new
color index             brightred               black   "~F"
        # flagged
color index             brightcyan              black   "~T"
        # tagged
color index             brightblack             black   "~D"
        # deleted
color index             green                   black   "~P"
        # from me

set from="<my name here> <my email here>"
set use_from=yes
set realname="<my real name here> :))"
set allow_8bit=yes
set allow_ansi=no
set attribution="%n wrote me on %d\n"
set charset="koi8-r"
set edit_headers=yes
set followup_to=yes
set help=yes
set hostname="<hostname>"
set mark_old=no
set quit=yes
set send_charset="koi8-r"
set smart_wrap=yes
set sort=threads
set use_8bitmime=yes
set folder=~/mail
set mbox=+read-mail
set record=+sent-mail
set confirmappend=no
set copy=yes
set delete=yes
set sendmail="/usr/local/bin/msmtp"
set index_format="%4C %Z %{%b %d} %-15.15L (#%03M)(%4l) %s"

set move=no
set pager_stop=yes
set pager_index_lines=6
set postponed=+postponed
ignore *
unignore from: subject to cc fcc mail-followup-to date x-mailer x-url

mailboxes `echo ~/mail/*`

AIM-UANIC             +-----[ FreeBSD ]-----+
Alexander Mogilny     | The Power to Serve! |
<> amogilny@xxxxxxxxx +---------------------+