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Re: Mutt on Mac: display problems

On Tue, Oct 31, 2006 at 03:39:54PM -0800, Thomas Davidoff wrote:

> I overcame a freeze problem by reinstalling from darwinports rather than
> fink (not sure what changed in the configuration).
> But there remains a problem with display.  Wrapping is all wrong and the
> display leaves residuals from past screens on the current screen.
> My enviornment related to terminal on the shell is
> TERM_PROGRAM=Apple_Terminal
> TERM=ansi
> SHELL=/bin/bash

I would try setting $TERM to xterm, or maybe one of the nsterm-*
terminfos and see if that works at all.

What version of OS X are you using? IIRC, recentish Terminal.app sets
$TERM to xterm by default. Technically, nsterm-* is supposed to be the
right entry, but it tends to be outdated.

In my experience, xterm or xterm-xfree86 is Good Enough (and Apple may
even have tweaked the xterm terminal type within OS X itself to play
even nicer with itself).

Thomas Dickey - you may now commence the public flogging.

Maybe also have a look at:
