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Unsetting GPG after setting it with send-hook

Maybe someone having time and better knowledge thatn me can help me weed this

Here's my setup:
Most of the time I don't send encrypted mail and I set 

    unset pgp_autoencrypt
    unset pgp_autosign

to turn it off by default.

With some people I do mail encrypted. For these people I use a send-hook to
enable pgp_autoencrypt e.g.

    send-hook '~t ^user@example\.com$' set pgp_autoencrypt

IIRC mutt 'remembers' it should pgp_autoencrypt once I've sent a message to
any of my GPG recipients. I found this somewhere to turn it off after a GPG
message has been semt:

    folder-hook . unset pgp_autosign
    folder-hook . unset pgp_autoencrypt

Now if I've sent an encrypted message first and want to send an unencrypted
message next, mutt always asks me for the encryption key to the (unencrypted)

So it seems I didn't make mutt throw the right switch after sending an
encrypted message to turn encryption off again.

Any idea what I am missing? Should I use

    send-hook . unset pgp_autoencrypt

to set things back to normal?

As you can see, I don't really feel home configuring mutt yet. Any help
greatly appreciated.


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