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Re: Setting default from address according to recipients

* Matthew R. Dempsky on Tuesday, September 26, 2006 at 00:04:08 -0500:
> On Tue, Sep 26, 2006 at 06:19:42AM +0200, Michael Tatge wrote:
>> In send-hooks you need to use »my_hdr From:« because as you noted $from
>> comes too late for the current message.
> I was hoping to avoid that just because it seems to make $use_from
> pointless, but oh well.
> Is there a better way to make the my_hdr change affect just this email
> than to add another send-hook line
>     send-hook . 'my_hdr From: Matthew R. Dempsky <mrd@xxxxxxxxxxx>'
> before the @utdallas.edu-matching hook?

set realname="Matthew R. Dempsky"
set from="mrd@xxxxxxxxxxx"
set use_from
% by default do not use my_hdr From:
send-hook ~A unmy_hdr From:
% for certain recipients use my_hdr From:
send-hook '~t @utdallas\.edu$ !~t ^utdlug@utdallas\.edu$' '\
my_hdr From: matthew.dempsky@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'

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