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Re: Aborted unmodified message.

On 2006-09-20, TALEB Hakim <TALEB@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hello Gary,
> * Gary Johnson <garyjohn@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> [2006-09-19, 18:11 -0700]:
> > What happens if you exit mutt and trying running vim from the same 
> > command prompt as you used to run mutt?
> I can fire out Vim very well.
> > Were mutt and vim compiled as native Windows applications or as Cygwin 
> > applications?
> They were compliled as native Windows applications. I've got a port of
> mutt to Windows here http://www.geocities.com/win32mutt/win32.html.
> I tried to set $editor to Edit but I got an error prompt once Edit loaded
> "Edit couldn't find the path
> 'C:\mutt\bin\settings\Temp\mutt-LSDBOT-xxx-x'".

If Axel's suggestion doesn't help, then I guess there are two 
approaches to fixing this:

1.  Figure out exactly what happens when mutt launches 'editor' on 
    its temporary file.

2.  Figure out what's different between your system and your 
    brother's system.

Since I don't know that much about Windows, I'd favor #2.  If mutt 
is the same on both machines, and .muttrc is the same on both 
machines, including the value of the 'editor' variable, then it 
seems to me that mutt isn't able to invoke vim because vim is 
installed differently on the two machines and/or PATH is different 
on the two machines.

I thought for a while that vim might be unable to find mutt's 
temporary file, but if that were the case, vim would still appear.
Vim doesn't usually close by itself.

Still another approach is:

3.  Start with a configuration that works and make incremental 
    changes toward the configuration that doesn't work.

In this case, Edit works sort-of.  Being a "DOS" program, Edit 
should understand the path 
'C:\mutt\bin\settings\Temp\mutt-LSDBOT-xxx-x', so it might be useful 
to find out why Edit doesn't like it.  Perhaps there is no file 
there.  Then you could make a copy of Edit (call it Edit2), put 
Edit2 in the directory where Vim resides and verify that mutt can 
still find it.

You might also try setting 'editor' to Edit on your machine and see 
if the behavior is the same.

I'm sorry to be so vague, but I'm just trying to come up with 
techniques I've used when I really didn't understand what was going 
on.  Eventually you should see a difference or a failure that you 
can understand.


Gary Johnson                               | Agilent Technologies
garyjohn@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx                   | Wireless Division
http://www.spocom.com/users/gjohnson/mutt/ | Spokane, Washington, USA