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Re: Recommendations for mail server account?

Helleo Carthik,

Am 2006-09-07 00:56:17, schrieb Carthik Sharma:
> Hi,

> So, what would enlightened mutt users suggest as a solution to this
> problem? Please don't suggest IMAP. My work account has really stupid

I suggest IMAP.

> policies regarding deleting old mails. Besides IMAP does not allow me
> to use folders etc "freely".

??? - I do not know ONE IMAP-Server which do not let you create/modify
> Would someone know of a cheaply obtainable shell account, or vps, or
> something that allows me to run fetchmail, procmail, mutt on a
> webserver of some sort? Something I can replace my
> home-desktop-mailserver?

I have created for some NON-German $USER accounts on <www.freenet.de>
They support asmtp, pop3 imap(s) and fetching other accounts.  The
FREE mailbox (including 5 aliases) has 20 MByte and for 2,30 Euro per
month (27,60 Euro in avance per year) you will get 2500 MByte mailspace
and 2500 MByte Diskspace...

Fetchin foreign account and reading it via IMAP IS THE SOLUTION.

    Michelle Konzack
    Tamay Dogan Network
    Debian GNU/Linux Consultant

Linux-User #280138 with the Linux Counter, http://counter.li.org/
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