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Re: shell exits

Jason Helfman wrote:
> I am not certain if this is expected behavior, or not, but after
> looking through the list and not finding anything on this, I thought
> I would write in.
> If I am in mutt (the reader we all know and love more than family,
> sometimes), and do a shell escape by using the '!' character. By
> simply hitting return, it will exit out of mutt. Is this the
> expected behavior for the "shell execution"?

When you hit return at the "Shell command: " prompt mutt will run a
shell for you.  Mutt hasn't exited, it has spawned a sub-shell and is
waiting for you to exit that shell.  Check out pstree when you're in
that sub-shell.  It should show you that mutt is a parent of your
shell.  Exit your shell and you'll be returned to mutt.

If you've hit ! by accident and don't want to run a shell command, use
Ctrl-G to cancel the prompt.

Todd        OpenPGP -> KeyID: 0xBEAF0CE3 | URL: www.pobox.com/~tmz/pgp
A jury consists of twelve persons chosen to decide who has the better
    -- Robert Frost

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